Professional Services
International Marketing Strategy : Strength In: USA, Canada, Brazil, China, Senegal, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Spain, Australia, Bangladesh, Taiwan, South Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan & INDIA.
- Web Based International Marketing
- Sourcing of Import Products.
- Identifying Joint Venture / Foreign Collaboration Partners & Agreements
- Taking Business Delegations abroad - 98 till date.
- Hosting foreign business delegations to India for business meetings.
- Market Research For Indian & Foreign Companies.
Representation of overseas govt. & non govt. bodies to :
- Arrange BSM for incoming trade delegations / delegates
- Provide logistic support to trade delegations
- Conduct Market Research & updates on Indian market - Vertical specific
- Identify trade opportunities in India
- Provide advisory to individual organization in setting up business in India
- Provide administrative support through 6 GN offices in India
- Liaison Services For Opening Of Foreign Companies In India
- Opening Of Office & warehouse Abroad For Indian Companies
- Training on International Trade Topics to Corporate Staff through Seminar Workshops & In house training. (350 country focused-product focussed seminars attended by 15100+ companies)
- Diploma course in International Trade Management (110 batches Conducted till date - 2500+ students passed; 630 students abroad)
Our most popular services
- Quick market research (QMR) report on India on your business - a 4 to 5 page practical report. Report content:
- Size of market
- In country production
- Import value
- Imports from which countries
- Players (small / medium/ large)
- Government incentives & regulations- Price Idea
- Prospective companies as partners
- Distributors / agents listing
- Distribution system
- Promotion methods - Discuss the report with you over a skype meet.
- Receive your brochures / PPT or samples.
- Arrange your skype meetings with prospect. Be present on skype in these initial meetings.
- Arrange your logistics & meetings for your India visit.
- Accompany you to meetings in India.
- Submit you a note on next steps (after your India visit).
- Keep you informed of business leads / tenders / exhibitions / news related to your business.
- Send you the monthly Newsletter
Market Research
Proposal for Market Information, Research & Entry In Foreign Markets for your product
Market Research for Export Potential of your product In a particular country will be done in following lines :
A.THE PRODUCT OVERVIEW : in the Chose Country
- Total market size of the product in the chosen country
- Annual consumption of the product in the chosen country
- Local Production of the Product in the chosen country
- Imports of the Product into the chosen country
- % growth of the Product consumption in the chosen country
- Manufacturers of the Product in the chosen country
- Importers of the product in the chosen country
- Representatives of the Product in the chosen country
Market Highlights & Best Prospects : Product wise -- Subcategory of items with HS CODE
- Key Competitive Factors *
- Marketing Techniques of the competitors
- Competitors / Market players in the Product in the chosen country
- The buyer segment of the Product in the chosen country .
- Distribution system of the product in the chosen country
- Business practices in the Product market in the chosen country
- Buying behavior for the Product in the chosen country
- Import climate in the chosen country
- Import duties & other taxes on the Product in the chosen country
- Total landed cost of the Product in the chosen country
- WTO & its effect on the Product in the chosen country
- Your Product related magazines in the chosen country
- Your Product association in the chosen country
- Associations of the Products user industry in the chosen country
- Exhibitions of the Product in the chosen country
- Import financing in the chosen country
- Payment system in the chosen country
- Exim Bank Line Of Credit in the chosen country
- ECGC cover in the chosen country
G. STRATEGY for the product export from India to the chosen country .
- Market Research - Sources of information
- Visit to the chosen country - How to plan a business tour
- Appointment of representative - Listing
- Formation of your product consortium
- Opening of office / Warehouse in the chosen country .
- Participation in Trade Fairs in the chosen country - Listing
Advertisements in your product related Magazines in the chosen country